Miomir Kecmanovic Vs Diego Sebastian Schwartzman

Miomir Kecmanovic Miomir Kecmanovic
2 - 1
Diego Sebastian Schwartzman Diego Sebastian Schwartzman
4 6 6 --
6 3 1 --
  • Date 27 Feb 2024
  • Time 01:10 am
  • Venue Acapulco - Cancha 1
Miomir Kecmanovic
Diego Sebastian Schwartzman
53 Ranking 219
0 AGE 0
183cm Height 170cm
165 Weight 141
980 Points 266
Plays Right-Handed, Two-Handed Backhand
Belgrade, Serbia BirthPlace Buenos Aires, Argentina
Resdience Buenos Aires, Argentina
0 Career Singles Titles 0
Turned Pro 2010
0 Career matches won 0
0 Career matches lost 0
0 Year to date matches won 0
0 Year to date matches lost 0
